Friday, February 16, 2007

"JetBlue's Valentine's Day Disaster"
Sandwich Repair Kit: JetBlue's Valentine's Day Disaster

"JetBlue's Valentine's Day Disaster"

Yes, Virginia, we need an Airline Passenger's Bill of Rights! Hopefully this will restore some momentum to that push.

They have cut spending on food by 30 percent since then, federal statistics show. They have slashed payrolls. Their on-time performance has dropped for five years in a row, though it is still better than in 2000. They lost more bags per 1,000 passengers in 2006 than in any other year in more than a decade.

They also have not been shy about lamenting their economic problems and the cost cuts needed to keep operating -- conditioning travelers to expect far less when they fly.

Nor have they been shy about demanding tens of BILLIONS of dollars from the federal government!! We should be seriously threatening to nationalize airlines. Air travel, like car and train travel, isn't profitable; the service and performance are abysmal; and we taxpayers have given these sheisters far too much of our money to reward and encourage them doing it. The game is up.

posted by Sandwich Repairman at 11:06 AM on Feb 16, 2007

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