Saturday, February 24, 2007

Comment left on one of the POSTS - Brilliant. Passenger Bill Of Mights Amendment

This is a fictional writing of one of the visitors to this site as a comment on one of the other posts. NOT BY ME. I could never be this funny or brilliant, but it deserved it's own post.

Written by Jet Blue Hostage "Crew Member" said...

First Amendment to the Jet Blue "Bill of Might's"

-Jet Blue Airways shall endeavor to CENSOR any and all attempts made by Citizens of The United States of America, or individuals residing outside the contiguous borders of The United States of America, to gain access and/or rights to Internet domain names that possess any negative connotation towards the Jet Blue Airways name.

HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL- Strictly for the eyes of B6 Management, Employees, and Operators of Greyhound Busses....oh and, of course anybody participating, posting, or assisting in the web site :-)

Jet Blue Airways Corporate Mandate
B6-Bill of Might's-Amendment #1

It is hereby resolved:

1) It is the responsibility of any/all employees (i.e. Crew Members) of Jet Blue Airways to be immediately engaged in the search for any/all words that possess a negative connotation.

2) All words that possess a negative connotation are to be immediately submitted to the Jet Blue Airways Sub-Committee for Word Association.

3) The Jet Blue Sub-Committee for Word Association shall, effective immediately, become an active an equal Jet Blue Corporate Department, possessing equal powers as the present Jet Blue Airways Sub-Committee for Censorship.

4) Both the Jet Blue Sub-Committee for Word Association and Jet Blue Airways Sub-Committee for Censorship shall directly report to the Jet Blue Airways Sub Committee for Total Passenger Control and Quality Assuredness for Preventing Staleness of In-Flight Terra Blue Chips.

5) Sources to be used in the Jet Blue Airways Corporate effort to search for any/all words that possess a negative connotation, include, but are not limited to the following: The American Heritage Dictionary, Cambridge Dictionary, New Oxford American Dictionary and Webster's Dictionary. If any Employee or Manager of Jet Blue Airways is either unaware or unfamiliar with what a "dictionary" is, they are immediately directed to submit a "Jet Blue Left-is Right and Right-is-Left Employee Grievance Form" (JBA Form #6QG9T5A77M9P-W2507QV5E480.00204W/YY048LSD-70026-8 which is not to be confused with JBA Form #6QG9T5A77M9P-W2507QV5E480.00204W/YY048LSD-70026-9, both of which are contained within JBA Training Manual SRG6IOD44KLL00FFYBBKE56-04973JFNELF86WJKSHJVL487620) to their respective Manager. Submission of such a form may result in immediate promotion, yet any and all promotions are subject to approval of the Jet Blue Airways Sub-Committee for the Proper Landscaping of All Jet Blue Owned Property Safety.

6) All approved words submitted to the Jet Blue Airways Sub-Committee for Word Association , possessing a negative connotation, immediately become the property of Jet Blue Airways.

7) Employee adherence to the Jet Blue "B6-Bill of Might's-Amendment #1" is mandatory. Any Jet Blue employee who submits a word, may be subject to immediate termination and replacement by an "active" Jet Blue employee who is either unaware or unfamiliar with the existence of dictionaries.

This Amendment is to be effective immediately as of June 23, 2002.

Signed into Effect,
Jet Blue Airways Management & The International Lobby For Central Air-Conditioning

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